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What We Do at CompanyFirst to be Open, Inclusive, and Impactful

Now more than ever, actions are more important than words.  While we can and will continue to look for ways to do more, we wanted to share some ways in which CompanyFirst has strived to be an open, inclusive, and impactful venture capital firm.

  • Anyone can pitch CompanyFirst…no gate keepers, just sign up online.  We strive to make ourselves as available as our schedules allow.  This has been and will continue to be our process.

  • We report on the social impact of our investments to our Limited Partners.  Our “scorecard” quantifies which portfolio companies have women / minority / veteran founders, give back to the community, and are better for the environment.  We think this is important, and it has been a part of our process since the beginning.

  • We give back by supporting various incubators and accelerators such as the Polsky Center and the Hatchery, both of which have amazing programs that help entrepreneurs in underserved and underrepresented communities in Chicago.

Please visit www.companyfirst.com for more info.  If you would like to connect with us, our emails have always been listed on our website, or you can schedule time directly at www.calendly.com/jasonstarr/companyfirst-intro.